Saturday, April 3, 2010

O you of little faith..

O you of little faith.
If you've taken an extra step,
one more may be saved.
If selfishness did not take over,
there will be one more in the family.
If succumbed not to cowardness,
there'll be one more to spread the Good news.

Change the heart,
change the heart of little faith,
for faith not in us,
but you Almighty.

Thank you for dying on the cross,
so that I may be saved.
Let those who not see eternity
look beyond what the world has to offer.
Let those who are finding love,
find this true love which never fails.
Let the emptiness of hearts
not to fill with temporary fun & happiness,
but with the eternal joy which we can still have when we're going through tough times.

We can only have this through you.
Decrease me,
for me will not reflect all the above.
Change me,
so that I'll shine for you.


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